Effective catalysts play a crucial role in enhancing methanol oxidation within fuel cells. In light of this, diverse catalysts have undergone examination; however, recently, significant research interest has turned towards Ni-based metal carbides. Their appeal lies in their cost-effectiveness, high activity, and notably, the presence of metal-carbon bonds. These bonds are formed due to carbon's s- and p-hybridization with the metal d orbitals. This combination heightens the d band activity of the metal, akin to that of Pt, as suggested by DFT approximations. The catalytic potential can be further augmented through the amalgamation of metal carbides with other active materials. Furthermore, refining the catalyst's size and morphology has the potential to enhance its electrochemical application for methanol oxidation. This involves maximizing the active surface area by optimizing its morphology and increasing the availability of metal carbide atoms. The introduction of multiple metals to metal carbides or the incorporation of multi-metal-based electrocatalysts onto the metal carbide's surface is also an area of fervent exploration. Such endeavors hold the promise of enhancing activity and devising economically viable for methanol oxidation based fuel cells.
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