
  • Rubin Gulaboski Faculty of Medical Sciences, Goce Delčev University, Štip, RN Macedonia Author



While we inhabit a macro-world, it is evident that our future will depend greatly on the tiniest of things. This is due to the fact that a majority of 21st-century sciences will be centered around materials with nanometer dimensions. Currently, we observe the significance of nanomaterials in facilitating the targeted delivery of active substances within the body. In the past two years, this has played a crucial role in combating the COVID-19 pandemic, with the assistance of vaccines containing graphene oxide nanoparticles that serve as carriers and enhancers for vaccine compounds. Fur-thermore, challenges related to drug delivery, such as poor water solubility and limited bioavailability, have already been overcome through the utilization of metal-based and carbon-based nanomaterials. Nanomedicine is poised to revo-lutionize the landscape of therapeutics and diagnostics. This brief review focuses on notable achievements in designing specific voltammetric biosensors using metallic nanoparticles and graphene-based nanomaterials. Metallic nanoparti-cles, particularly those based on silver and gold, along with graphene derivatives such as nanotubes, quantum dots, nanodiamonds, and fullerenes, exhibit remarkable physical and chemical properties. These include improved thermal stability, enhanced conductivity, and the ability to modify their surface area with various organic substrates. Notably, voltammetric sensors based on graphene nanostructures demonstrate high biocompatibility and superior selectivity in detecting important biological systems through voltammetry. The aim of this concise review is to highlight recent elec-trochemical advancements in nanosystems and present significant achievements of metallic nanoparticles and graphene-based nanomaterials as voltammetric biosensors.


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