The processing of data in voltammetry is crucial for extracting mechanistic and kinetic information about the electrode reaction under study. One of the most advanced pulse-voltammetric techniques, square-wave voltammetry (SWV), allows for the investigation of electrode mechanisms, measurement of fast electron transfer reaction rates, and quantitative detection of redox species at sub-micromolar concentration levels. To ensure reliable comparison and fitting of experimental and theoretical data, several ideas for appropriate data processing have been proposed, considering the differences between experimentally accessible current and the dimensionless current function used in the theory and mathematical modeling of electrode processes in SWV. Significantly, in the context of advanced and recently introduced double-sampled square-wave voltammetry, a novel methodology for data analysis has been introduced. This methodology transforms the conventional current-potential function (i.e., voltammogram) into a current-current function, analogous to complex numbers. By employing this methodology, the accessible kinetic interval is extended, allowing for the measurement of very fast, virtually reversible electrode reactions characterized by a standard rate constant as high as 0.1 cm s–1.
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