The National Red List plays a crucial role in the conservation of fungi, considering the significant threats they face, such as habitat loss and fragmentation, decline in symbiotic hosts, overexploitation, pollution, and climate change. The importance of protecting fungi is evident, and although unofficial red lists were created in the past (2000 and 2010), the new National Red List of Fungi of North Macedonia holds official status. This document includes a total of 64 spe-cies, each assigned to specific categories. Among them, six fungal species are classified as Critically Endangered (CR), nineteen as Endangered (EN), thirty-four as Vulnerable (VU), two as Near Threatened (NT), two as Least Concern (LC), and one species is categorized as Data Deficient. The majority of the listed taxa (fifty-three) belong to the phylum Basidiomycota, while ten taxa are associated with the phylum Ascomycota. In this article, we will focus on the Critical-ly Endangered species, which are as follows: Bovista paludosa Lév, Galerina sphagnorum (Pers.) Kühner, Galerina tibiicystis (G.F. Atk.) Kühner, Hyphoderma etruriae Bernicchia, Xeromphalina junipericola G. Moreno & Heykoop, and Zeus olympius Minter & Diam.
M. Karadelev, K. Rusevska, G. Kost, D. Mitic-Kopanja, Checklist of macrofungal species from the phylum Basidiomycota of the Republic of Mac-edonia. Acta Musei Macedonici Scientiarum Natu-ralium, 21,1 (2018), pp. 23–112.
M. Karadelev, K. Rusevska, I. Kajevska, D. Mitic-Kopanja, Checklist of macrofungal species from the phylum Ascomycota of the Republic of Mace-donia. MASA, 40, 2 (2019), pp. 239–253.
K. Rusevska, M. Karadelev, M. T. Telleria, M. Martín, Astraeus macedonicus, Fungal Planet 906, Persoonia, 42 (2019), pp. 380-381.
Si-P. Jian, M. Karadelev, P.-M. Wang, W.-Q. Deng & Z. L. Yang, Clitopilus abprunulus, a new species from North Macedonia with notes on C. ravus and pleuromutilin producing taxa, Mycological Pro-gress, 19 (2020), pp. 805–816.
M. Karadelev, K. Rusevska, Distribution Maps of Critical Endangered Species from Macedonian Red List of Fungi. Hyla, 1 (2016), pp.14–18.
M. Karadelev, A Preliminary Red List of Macro-mycetes in the Republic of Macedonia. European Council of Conservation of Fungi. Newsletter 10 (2000), pp. 7–11.
M. Karadelev, K. Rusevska, Contribution to Mace-donian red list of fungi. Proceedings of the 4th Con-gress of Ecologists of Macedonia with International Participation, Ohrid, 12-15 October 2012, Macedo-nian Ecological Society, 28 (2013), pp. 68–73.
K. Rusevska, M. Karadelev, Distribution of Bo-vista, Bovistella and Disciseda in the Republic of Macedonia. Biologia Macedonica, 64 (2014/2015), pp. 55–64.
M. Karadelev, L. Koteska, Hyphoderma etruriae (Meruliaceae, Basidiomycota): a rare corticioid fungus collected in Macedonia. Phytologia Balcan-ica 19, 1 (2013), pp. 3–5.
A. Bernicchia, M. Karadelev, C. Perini, Hyphoder-ma etruriae. The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species (2019).
H. H. Dogan M, Karadelev M. 2009. Xeromphalina junipericola, a rare species new to southeastern Eu-rope. Mycotaxon 110, 1 (2009), pp. 247–255.
M. Karadelev, Xeromphalina junipericola. The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species (2019). https://dx.doi.org/10.2305/IUCN.UK.2019-3.RLTS.T147537682A148254022.en
D. W. Minter, R. Lowen, S. Diamandis (1987). Zeus olympius gen. et sp. nov. and Nectria gany-mede sp. nov. from Mount Olympus, Greece. Transactions of the British Mycological Society, 88, 1 (1987), pp. 55–61.
Y. D. Stoykov, B. Assyov, B. Alexov, K. Grazdilov, Novel collections of Zeus olympius and Cosmospora ganymede (Ascomycota) from Bulgaria and Greece. Ascomycete.org, 6, 4 (2014), pp. 73–80.
L. M. Bland, D. A. Keith, R. M. Miller, N. J. Mur-ray, J. P. Rodríguez, (eds.) (2017). Guidelines for the application of IUCN Red List of Ecosystems Categories and Criteria, Version 1.1. Gland, Swit-zerland: IUCN. ix + 99pp.
The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. https://www.iucnredlist.org/
The Index Fungorum database.
MycoBank, an on-line database.
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- 16.05.2024 (1)
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